Request Code Signing Certificate or Email Certificate

For requesting an email or code signing certificate a CSR is required for most products. For Windows users we have the Xolphin Certificate Tool to manage the complete order process. For macOS and Linux users its also possible to generate the CSR in OpenSSL, the required steps are listed in our Generate CSR for client certificate manual.

Using the Xolphin Certificate Tool (Windows only)

For Windows users Xolphin has the Xolphin Certificate Tool available to ease the process of placing orders for signing products like email and code signing certificates. Within the application you create the required keypair, CSR and place the order, all from one screen. Existing customers can use their Xolphin credentials (Control Panel login) within the application, new customers need to create the CSR manually at this moment, since the Xolphin Certificate Tool does not have a user registration option as of version 2.1

Further instructions on how to obtain, install and use the Xolphin Certificate Tool can be found in this manual.

Using OpenSSL

For macOS and Linux users, or when you want to create the keypair and CSR completely by yourself, the required key and CSR can be generated by following the steps in the Generate CSR for client certificate manual.

After the CSR is created, you can copy its contents by opening the CSR in a Text Editor, and copy the complete content.

  1. Paste the CSR contents in the CSR field
  2. Fill in you Name and Email address in the field below the CSR
  3. During step 2 you fill in the required certificate information:

    Request Code Signing Certificate or Client Certificate

  4. By Validation information you enter the contact who can confirm the order.
    • Contact name: Enter the name of the contact to whom the request can be confirmed by phone.
    • Phone : Enter the registered phone number of the organisation for which the certificate is requested. This field is not required when requesting a personal signing certificate.
    • Select the check box "I accept Terms and Conditions of Xolphin and the EULA of Comodo" when you accept these.
  5. Under Invoice information you can optionally enter a payment reference. This will be shown on the invoice.
  6. Select Continue.
  7. After this your you will be asked for your customer details. These are only for administration and invoicing purposes and have nothing to do with the data which will be added in the certificate. Note: The email address and the password are required when you need to login in the Control Panel so you need to remember these! The invoice will be send to this email address as well.
    Request Code Signing Certificate or Client Certificate
  8. Select Continue.
  9. As a check all earlier given data will be shown, select Confirm Order if the data is correct or choose back to make changes.

    Request Code Signing Certificate or Client Certificate

  10. After all the data is checked and you placed the order, our verification department will process this as soon as possible.

Copy ID for Sectigo (EV) code signing

Due to a recent procedure change, it will be necessary from March 2021 to send a copy ID when applying for a Sectigo code signing and EV code signing certificate. Passport, ID and driver's license are allowed. It is important that you protect your BSN number on your ID before sending it. This can be done manually, but is easiest with the 'KopieID' app, which is made available by the Dutch government. The copy can then be sent to

Instructions for downloading and working with the KopieID app can be found here.


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