Synology DSM5 - Certificate installation

Immediately after being issued, your SSL certificate will be sent to you by email. It is also possible to download the certificate from the Control Panel. The file containing the certificate will have the same name as the domain name it is meant for (for example: www_sslcertificaten_nl.crt).

  1. Log in to the webinterface of your Synology, open the Control Panel and select SecuritySynology DSM5 - Installeren SSL Certificaat
  2. Select Certificate and click Import CertificateSynology DSM5 - Installeren SSL Certificaat
  3. In the Import Certificate window, you can select the required file via the Browse button. The field Private Key expects the file Server.key, which was generated and downloaded when generating the CSR. The field Certificate should contain your own domain certificate. And last the Intermediate certificate should be filled with the CA-Bundle for your certificate. This is supplied with the delivery of your certificate, or can be downloaded from our website. Then click on OKSynology DSM5 - Installeren SSL Certificaat
  4. After completion, the Status field should show: Third-party certificateSynology DSM5 - Installeren SSL Certificaat
  5. The certificate has been installed.
    Note: The Synology NAS alternative port 5001 for HTTPS access to the webinterface, so it cannot be checked with out SSLCheck.


Our SSLCheck will examine your website's root and intermediate certificates for correctness and report any potential issues

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