DirectAdmin - Install certificate on Directadmin Interface

It is possible to secure the DirectAdmin interface with an SSL Certificate. The steps required for this are described below.

  1. Place the previously created private key along with your certificate and your root and intermediate bundle in the following locations:
    Certificate /usr/local/directadmin/conf/test_sslcertificaten_nl.crt
    Private key /usr/local/directadmin/conf/test_sslcertificaten_nl.key
    Root and intermediates /usr/local/directadmin/conf/bundle.crt
  2. Open /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf in your favorite editor, like Nano of VI.
  3. Refer to the placed files and turn on SSL: SSL=1
  4. This ssl_redirect_host option redirects users, when entering via http, to to hostname instead of the server IP default
  5. Restart Direct Admin to activate the changes.

It is not possible to test the certificate via our SSLCheck because it can only perform a check on port 443.


Our SSLCheck will examine your website's root and intermediate certificates for correctness and report any potential issues

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