QWAC now also available at Xolphin

QWAC now also available at Xolphin

27 October 2021

From now on you can request eIDAS Qualified Website Authentication Certificates, in short QWAC, from Xolphin. These SSL certificates provide very reliable authentication of natural persons and organizations.

In addition to TLS encryption, QWACs provide optimal certainty that behind a website or server is a natural or legal person who can be identified with reliable information. The issuer of the certificate must be a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP). As a result, the certificate complies with European eIDAS legislation. The checks before issuance are similar to the validation for an EV certificate, with the difference that there is an extra step: as is common for a qualified certificate, a face-to-face validation of the applicant is required in the presence of a notary, accountant or lawyer. The validation process is provided by Sectigo and is in English.

Phasing out PKI government SSL

Due to the phasing out of the PKIoverheid certificates in December this year, some applications will require a QWAC as a replacement. As the NCSC also describes, this will not always be necessary and an EV certificate will in many cases already provide sufficient identity guarantee. It is therefore important as an organization to start by properly mapping all certificates in use. To help with this, Sectigo has the Sectigo Certificate Management platform available, among other things.

Different types of QWAC

QWACs are available in different versions:

  • For a personal website
  • For a website of an organization
  • For bank and payment provider websites for making trusted digital transactions.

A QWAC is available from € 208 for a year and can be requested here.

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