Comodo CA continues as Sectigo
31 October 2018
From November 1st, Comodo CA is called Sectigo. This applies to the company name, but also to all brand- and productnames. To ensure a smooth transition, the coming year 'Sectigo, formerly known as Comodo CA', will be used.
Why this change?
Last year Comodo's certificate division was acquired by Fransisco partners. Since then, the certificate division is called Comodo CA (Certficiation Authority), while the original Comodo continued as Comodo Cyber Security in offering cyber security services like cWatch. The fact that both organisations operate in the same market caused too much confusion for the public. Sectigo, with the tagline 'Secure today - seize your tomorrow' will focus on 'security on the go', by offering a complete platform for all products, instead of just offering SSL certificates and digital signatures. Recently they launched their IoT PKI Manager.
What changes exactly?
The company and brandname change from Comodo CA to Sectigo. This also applies to the productnames: Comodo SSL becomes Sectigo SSL. For instance, a Comodo PositiveSSL certificate will be a Sectigo PositiveSSL. The trustlogos will change too. The root structure will change on January 14, 2019, the productportfolio and the pricing will remain the same.
What is the impact?
- Website visitors value Comodo as a well-known and trusted brand. In order to maintain this trust and to enable a smooth transition, a combined logo will be available for use up to November 1st, 2019.
- For Comodo certificate owners the impact will be small, all Comodo certificates will continue to work. The root structure does change, but this will have no effect on the use or browser support. All certificates will still be trusted by browsers and applications. New trustlogo's based on the new logo are available.
- Comodo resellers will have to make some adjustments in their communication. Do you offer Comodo certifcates on your website, or in quotes? Then things like name and logo will have to be adjusted. A styleguide and logo material are available. We will contact our resellers about this subject separately.
We'll keep you updated on our FAQ page. Please contact us if you have any questions!
Update 21/12/2018: This article has been modified due to the announcement Sectigo will change their root structure.
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